Tag: tips

Life Insurance No Medical – 20 Ways to Reduce Its Cost

Life Insurance No Medical - 20 Ways to Reduce Its Cost

Insurance websites offer numerous articles about ways to reduce your life insurance costs, but there is a particular category of people who cannot use many of these tips since the only policies they qualify for are life insurance no medical

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Five Cancer Fighting Foods

Five cancer fighting foods

What is cancer? Simply put, cancer happens when cells abnormally divide and grow in an uncontrollable manner. It’s a cellular malfunction. There are several different types of cancer, each with a unique set of parameters and challenges. Few things are

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11 Things You Never Realized Could Affect Your Insurance Application

There are many things an insurer considers when looking at a life insurance application. Some are straight forward, others are very surprising e.g. DUI.

You’d like to consider yourself a life insurance novice. You’ve done your research and know the primary factors that underwriters consider when determining your premium: your age, health, family health history, tobacco use, occupation, the policy term and amount. So

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Lorne Marr Shares 5 Essential No Medical Life Insurance Tips

A computer keyboard with a "ideas" button instead of enter button

When it comes to finding life insurance that fits your needs, it is a matter of knowing where to shop around, knowing what to look for and how to navigate the world of life insurance. Let me, Lorne Marr, help

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8 Reasons Why Your Insurance Claim Will Get Declined

Photo of a girl climbing a rock

You buy life insurance for the purpose of making sure that there’s something sufficient left for your family in the case that you won’t be there. After all, for the monthly premiums you pay, you deserve something out of it.

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Top 4 Strategies For Hard To Insure Applicants

If you have pre-existing medical conditions, it can be not easy to get a life insurance policy. WE created this infographic to inform you about 4 strategies to find the best insurance for pre-existing medical conditions.

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Six Unbelievable Insurance Policies That Actually Exist

Cartoon scary ghost

Life isn’t for the faint of heart, with its unpredictability, natural disasters, and having to allow others to have their boundaries and opinions instead of just agreeing with us all the time, but thankfully we humans have adapted and put

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How Drug Use Impacts Life Insurance

Stop cannabis cover

Insurance is a risk-averse business, and doing drugs can make it hard for people to find insurance coverage. On most insurance applications, applicants are asked if they have consumed illicit substances within the past 12 months, and whether the person

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Insurance Solutions for People Who Have Been Declined

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There is little doubt that life insurance remains one of life’s reluctant purchases. It is often not until a person settles down and starts a family that he realizes that the value of his life also has an equivalent cash

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High Risk Life Insurance Options

A cigarette

Young adults rarely understand the benefit of purchasing life insurance. This reluctance is completely understandable – life definitely trumps death, and in the eyes of the average young adult, death only happens to old people. It usually takes a significant,

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