Tag: cancer

Can You Get Life Insurance If You Had Breast Cancer?

Some survivors of breast cancer worry that they may not be able to qualify for life insurance. Discussed are several factors that will impact the decision on if an applicant with a history of breast cancer will be approved for

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Five Cancer Fighting Foods

Five cancer fighting foods

What is cancer? Simply put, cancer happens when cells abnormally divide and grow in an uncontrollable manner. It’s a cellular malfunction. There are several different types of cancer, each with a unique set of parameters and challenges. Few things are

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What you need to Know about Life Insurance and Prostate Cancer in Canada

Black and white photo of an old man

About Prostate Cancer While there are many different forms of cancer that Canadians need to be aware of and take preventative actions against, there is one form of cancer that is extremely important for men in Canada to be conscious

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Should I Get a Cancer Insurance Quote

Two woman smiling to each other

There are some health issues that not everyone thinks to insure against. Cancer, though it is estimated that two in five Canadians will develop the disease at some point in their life, is one of those issues. Cancer is all

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Cancer Insurance: You Need To Know What’s Out There

cancer insurance coverage    Cancer is one of those things that nobody wants to think about. Just like most tragic things in life, we all tell ourselves that it won’t happen to us; but unfortunately, that is not a realistic
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Cancer Insurance Without A Medical

Two nurses reading a medical paper

You can get protection against cancer without a medical. Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada. Two out of five people develop cancer during their lifetimes and on average more than 500 Canadians are diagnosed with cancer every

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Life Insurance and Cancer

Half face of unknown man

More and more people are surviving cancer every day and it’s having a tremendous impact on the way life insurance companies underwrite those who survive cancer. Many forms of cancer are very treatable in their early stages and insurance companies

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