There are some health issues that not everyone thinks to insure against. Cancer, though it is estimated that two in five Canadians will develop the disease at some point in their life, is one of those issues. Cancer is all…
What would happen if you applied for life insurance and made a false statement on the application? What would happen if you got life insurance and marijuana use was a common practice that you did not disclose?
Life insurance is one of those things you know you need, but may be putting off for several reasons. Perhaps you find the terms confusing or think you can’t afford coverage. Maybe you feel you will be denied because of…
There are many different options for insurance and no medical disability insurance is one of them. What is this and why do you need it?
According to Michael Taylor, vice president of sales at Hunter McCorquodale about 5% of all life insurance applications are declined in Canada each year. This equates to roughly 35,000 decline policies.