Category: Disability Insurance

Disability Insurance for High-Risk Jobs: Cost and What You Must Know


Disability Insurance for High-Risk Jobs: Cost and What You Must Know How does Disability Insurance work? Disability Insurance offers a crucial safety net that distinguishes itself from Critical Illness Insurance by providing a reliable income replacement if you find yourself unable to

No Medical Disability Insurance in Canada: 4 Things to Know


When you think about life insurance, you often think of the benefit your family receives if you pass away. However, life insurance covers far more risks than death. Disability is actually a greater risk than death for the average, healthy,

Life Insurance Companies in Canada – Who Owns Whom

Life insurance companies infographics

The variety of life insurance companies in Canada is not what it appears to be in the Canadian market. From a consumer perspective, there are nearly 50 life and health insurance providers, but the reality is a bit different… (scroll

Why Freelancers Should Get No Medical Disability iInsurance

A photo of a woman in a business suit

You are the company when self-employed, if the owner decides to take a vacation, there is no one there to cover for them and bring money into the business. The same goes if that person is injured or falls ill.

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Combining Life and Disability Insurance

Hands of help sign

It can be hard to impress the need for life or disability insurance upon a young person just entering the workforce. It is the nature of youth to fail to see the potential for such a purchase. It can also

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