Category: Critical Illness insurance

Critical Illness Insurance for Senior Citizens: How Much is it and What Should You Know?

Critical Illness Insurance for Senior Citizens

Why is Critical Illness Insurance Important for Seniors? As we age, the likelihood of confronting a critical illness increases significantly, making senior citizens far more susceptible to serious health challenges than their younger counterparts. Compounding this vulnerability, many seniors find

Life Insurance Companies in Canada – Who Owns Whom

Life insurance companies infographics

The variety of life insurance companies in Canada is not what it appears to be in the Canadian market. From a consumer perspective, there are nearly 50 life and health insurance providers, but the reality is a bit different… (scroll

Terminology For No Medical Critical Illness Insurance

Money wrapped in a stethoscope

So you’ve done your research and you have determined that critical illness insurance is something you need. When purchasing coverage, it can help to know the terminology behind it. Sometimes the slightest change in phrasing can make a great difference

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Getting No Medical Critical Illness Insurance

A picture of stethoscope

Do doctors and medical exams make you feel nervous or uncomfortable? Do you have little free time and the idea of spending it in a doctor’s clinic just doesn’t appeal to you? Do you have a medical history that might

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Peace Of Mind With A Critical Illness Insurance Quote

Critical illness insurance sign Ever thought of looking into a critical illness insurance quote? Most people don’t want to worry about suffering from an illness like a heart attack, stroke or cancer. The general philosophy is, “it’ll never happen to me”. Well, the reality
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