The topic of cancer and life insurance is not an easy one. Cancer is a disease that falls into the category of critical illness, so all insurers treat it as a higher risk. If you were diagnosed with cancer or…
The topic of cancer and life insurance is not an easy one. Cancer is a disease that falls into the category of critical illness, so all insurers treat it as a higher risk. If you were diagnosed with cancer or…
Getting life insurance is not always easy for people whose health is affected by illness and pre-conditions. Insurance is all about risk management, therefore many medical issues are seen by insurers as increased risk – and they price that risk…
With age comes wisdom and an acceptance that life is finite. As seniors enter their golden years, many reflect on their life and the legacy they wish to leave behind. Many also realize end-of-life costs, especially funerals, can cause a…
Think About The Pros And Cons Of No Medical Life Insurance Life insurance is one of those things that everyone should have, but many people do not. There are two ways to get life insurance in Canada. The first is…