Coverage Without a Doctor’s Note: No Medical Test Life Insurance

No Medical Test Coverage
The majority of life insurance providers, aside, require their potential policy holder to undergo a minimum of one medical examination prior to being approved for life insurance coverage. This medical examination not only determines the applicant’s insurability but also determines which risk bracket the applicant fits into. This can be quite a minefield for those who have problems with their healthcare and need to find a medical policy that suits their situation. If a Medicare service wants to see if the patient they have is still eligible for a check-up before looking at an insurance policy, they may want to utilize the medicare beneficiary identifier mbi lookup tool to see if they are still paying their insurance and are able to receive these benefits. If not, then the patient will need to know right away so they can sort this issue out in time and not be delayed further.

Varying types of private medical information, including whether the individual is or was at some point a tobacco user, whether he or she has high or low blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, asthma, diabetes, sleep apnea, a heart condition, cancer, or even whether the individual is overweight or obese, can shift the applicant into a higher than expected risk bracket, thus increasing the premium rate that individual would have to pay to receive coverage, and even placing that applicant at risk of being declined coverage. Moreover, insurance companies are further able to examine the medical history of the applicant’s families, determining that individual’s risk bracket, premium rate, and overall insurability based on potential, genetically-determined health risk factors., alternatively, offers no medical test life insurance-an insurance package that is customized by our responsive, continually educated, and value-driven team using advanced technology and the most up-to-date financial planning software to fit the specific and changing needs of our valued clients. provides no medical test life insurance quotes to individuals between the ages of 20 and 85, and even offers specific insurance coverage that allows for fast financial relief for medical costs surrounding critical illnesses and even cancer. As The Canadian Cancer Society reports, cancer is the number one cause of death for Canadians; statistically, two out of every five Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Further, 70% of all critical illness claims involve cancer, which is why we at have created a specific brand of insurance coverage to help our clients to mitigate the costs of medical expenses surrounding cancer treatments.

At, we are devoted to creating custom-fit no medical test life insurance coverage for all our applicants. While this includes potential policy holders who were previously denied coverage by alternative life insurance companies due to unexpected medical restraints, we also provide a less invasive form of coverage for individuals who dislike medical examinations, experience fear or discomfort during medical testing, or for those who are deterred by the invasion of privacy that is enacted by the examination into their personal and family medical history.

At, we believe in providing the most comfortable fit to cover the various individual needs of our valued clients, which is why we stand behind our no medical test life insurance.

For more information, visit or call 1-866-899-4849.

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