Sleep Apnea And Life Insurance
Sleep apnea can be described as periodic pauses in breathing during sleep these pauses can be complete apnea's or incomplete - hypopnea. A lot of people struggle with this and it can be a scary thing. Luckily though, there are things out there that can help people with this (such as CPAP masks, which can be found at masks for people who are interested in purchasing one). Body and Health, an online magazine reports, "It's one of the most common medical conditions in adults, ...
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Medical Marijuana and Insurance – What You Need to Know
Chances are that if you're reading this article you are either a medicinal marijuana smoker, know someone who is, or have a strong opinion either way on the topic of the fairness of life insurance and its use. Today, we'll take at how its use is viewed by the medical community and life insurance companies. A Brief History of Medical Marijuana For years, marijuana was illegal – getting caught growing and/or smoking it brought heavy legal consequences. Along the way, it was discovered that smoking ...
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Clearing Up Misconceptions On Life Insurance Distribution Channels
Customers looking to purchase a life insurance policy often wonder whether it's better to deal with an independent life insurance broker or a captive life insurance agency like Arias Agencies. During countless debates regarding the effectiveness of using an independent broker versus a captive agent, the following arguments always seem to come up... Independent Brokers Brokers are often said to offer greater flexibility to their customers when it comes to the price and brands of life insurance products because they're independent and not tied to ...
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10 Celebrities Who Blew Their Fortunes
Living the dream. It isn't too far-fetched to think of the celebrity lifestyle as doing just that. Deep down, each and every one of us has probably had that deep-seated desire to become a celebrity, if not for the fame then in the very least to have that kind of money. It can be unfathomable to consider how much a celebrity is worth-and, if you keep bankruptcy reports in mind, it can be just as incomprehensible to imagine just how much celebrities are accustomed to ...
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Can You Get Life Insurance If You Had Breast Cancer?
Some survivors of breast cancer worry that they may not be able to qualify for life insurance. Discussed are several factors that will impact the decision on if an applicant with a history of breast cancer will be approved for a life insurance policy. Cancer is a very serious illness. Many people who have survived cancer have gone on to live full lives. Even so, you may find it difficult to obtain an affordable life insurance policy when a brush with cancer is on your ...
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Is Dental Insurance a Good Deal?
Dental insurance may seem like a great idea to a lot of people. It gives them a sense of security. They can get work done at the dentist when they need it, as they need it. Insurance covers regular expenses and is especially useful if you need a significant amount of dental work. Being fully covered for things such as dental implants is something that many people don't want to miss out on. However, there are downsides too. Let's discuss the pros and cons of ...
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The Pros and Cons of No Medical Life Insurance
Think About The Pros And Cons Of No Medical Life Insurance Life insurance is one of those things that everyone should have, but many people do not. There are two ways to get life insurance in Canada. The first is buying a policy from a traditional insurance company, which involves meeting strict criteria for health and lifestyle. Insurance companies understand the difficulties customers face when setting up their policy, which is why most companies have started to, or have looked at getting an insurance agent ...
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Is Your Location Making You an Insurance Liability?
There are a lot of reasons for why you may be denied for life insurance, but you may be surprised to find out that what's holding you back isn't always medical. It's easy to consider your medical history to be the main issue-a history of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and even smoking too much are probably the most obvious reasons people get declined-but did you know that your lifestyle could be just as problematic when it comes to your life insurance application? Does your lifestyle ...
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Need Life Insurance But Concerned About The Medical Examination?
If you have family or loved ones that are dependent on you, or if you own or are co-owner of a business that is dependent on you for success, then life insurance isn't just a perk, it's a necessity. You don't want to leave your business partner in a lurch, and you definitely don't want to leave your family struggling to pay steep costs associated with medical expenses or funeral costs-and you certainly don't want to leave them struggling to cover any monthly bills. It ...
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Seniors Life Insurance – Should I Buy Direct?
One reality of life is that people don’t stay young forever. It is better to be safe than sorry and make sure you are prepared for whatever happens in the future, regardless of the status of your health. That is why it is recommended to secure you and your family’s financial security. One way of doing this is by purchasing life insurance. You may have heard good and bad things about buying direct or through a broker, but there are many reasons why you should ...
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