Insurance Blog

There are many things an insurer considers when looking at a life insurance application. Some are straight forward, others are very surprising e.g. DUI.

11 Things You Never Realized Could Affect Your Insurance Application

You'd like to consider yourself a life insurance novice. You've done your research and know the primary factors that underwriters consider when determining your premium: your age, health, family health history, tobacco use, occupation, the policy term and amount. So when you confidently send out that application and end up receiving an unfavourable result, just what went wrong?There are so many things that your insurance company will consider when looking at your application (aside from the usual suspects), and it's good practice to be aware ...
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Lorne Marr Shares 5 Essential No Medical Life Insurance Tips

When it comes to finding life insurance that fits your needs, it is a matter of knowing where to shop around, knowing what to look for and how to navigate the world of life insurance. Let me, Lorne Marr, help you do this with little fuss and great success by sharing five essential no medical life insurance tips. How do you know I can provide you what you need? I have been in the insurance industry for over 20 years, starting my career with Met ...
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8 Reasons Why Your Insurance Claim Will Get Declined

You buy life insurance for the purpose of making sure that there's something sufficient left for your family in the case that you won't be there. After all, for the monthly premiums you pay, you deserve something out of it ...
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Top 5 Silent Killers

Photo by Bernard Goldbach You never saw it coming. You're an ordinary, happy-go-lucky soul who juggles life and work and enjoys exercising as much as the other person. You're not scared of those annual health check-ups, in fact, your doctor loves telling you you're good for another year, and you know it! So after spending an evening catching up with friends, you return home feeling happy and sated, stumble into bed, close your eyes... and never wake up again. You just died in your sleep ...
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How long has your insurance company been in business?

The need for insurance in Canada became apparent quite early, with many companies developing their Canadian-style branches in the mid-1800s. Companies that are starting up nowadays are trying to fit into this sector whilst competing with already established businesses, so to make an imprint in this area, they are going to need resources that will support them and their clients, from a startup cpa to legal representation, all of this is crucial. They will also need to put a fair effort into marketing themselves so ...
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Everything You Need to Know About Ecig Joints

Full disclosure An insurance policy is a legal contract - when you enter into an insurance agreement, there are many disclosures involved, on your part and the insurer's, as part of the policy and claim. It is prudent that you provide full disclosure to ensure that your claim will be paid out without disputes. While life insurance companies do not specifically ask about ecig joints on life insurance applications, it is still a good idea to disclose usage to avoid any claim disputes arising from ...
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Top 4 Strategies For Hard To Insure Applicants

If you have pre-existing medical conditions, it can be not easy to get a life insurance policy. WE created this infographic to inform you about 4 strategies to find the best insurance for pre-existing medical conditions ...
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Six Unbelievable Insurance Policies That Actually Exist

Life isn't for the faint of heart, with its unpredictability, natural disasters, and having to allow others to have their boundaries and opinions instead of just agreeing with us all the time, but thankfully we humans have adapted and put several controls in place that greatly reduce our anxiety of the world beyond our doorstep. We all know the normal types of insurance that exist out there, health insurance, pet insurance, life insurance, and home insurance all exist to ensure that you are covered when ...
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A word "excellence" under a magnifying glass

Humania Provides Insurance Options For Those With Limited Options

Humania is a modern day life insurance provider that has a century of experience in a competitive market. Rising from humble begins in 1874, Humania started out as a fraternal benefit society established to provide financial support for widows and orphans. Over the years, Humania has evolved to meet the needs of a changing society by relying on a strong commitment to customer service, empathy and humanity. The name Humania is a reflection of these core values that were established so many years ago. Most ...
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How Drug Use Impacts Life Insurance

Insurance is a risk-averse business, and doing drugs can make it hard for people to find insurance coverage. On most insurance applications, applicants are asked if they have consumed illicit substances within the past 12 months, and whether the person is applying for critical illness insurance or life insurance, ticking off the box for drug use will raise a red flag with the insurance company. Of course, if you've been getting addiction help from somewhere like Klinic.Care then this will ensure the price doesn't increase ...
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