Insurance Blog

Top 5 Scenarios to Consider No Medical Life Insurance Plans

Top 5 Scenarios to Consider No Medical Life Insurance Plans

There are many situations when people start thinking about life insurance, such as at birth of a child, protection of newly purchased assets (e.g. house), etc. However, the search for life insurance (market research, getting a quote, buying a policy) for some people is more complicated. There are situations when life insurance companies prefer not to take the risk and opt to reject your life insurance application. Are you at risk of being declined and if so, what can you do about it? Fortunately, there ...
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Life Insurance for Parkinsons Patients - InsurEye

Life Insurance for Parkinson’s Patients – Key Things to Know

Despite many people's best intentions, they put off getting life insurance. Sometimes it's the thought of their own death or disability that disturbs them, other times it's just a convenient thing to push to the back burner. After all, what are the chances of something happening to you...right? Unfortunately, accidents, death and illness happen and sometimes with very little warning. When something does inevitably happen, the need for life insurance becomes much more urgent. So, why life insurance for Parkinson's patients? For example, did you ...
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Life Insurance No Medical - 20 Ways to Reduce Its Cost

Life Insurance No Medical – 20 Ways to Reduce Its Cost

Insurance websites offer numerous articles about ways to reduce your life insurance costs, but there is a particular category of people who cannot use many of these tips since the only policies they qualify for are life insurance no medical or guaranteed issue. These type of insurance have both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, they come without medical tests and, in some cases, without any medical questions. On the negative side, you pay more for the coverage and the amount of coverage ...
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Funeral Insurance in Canada: 5 Things You Must Know

Funeral Insurance in Canada: 5 Things You Must Know

With age comes wisdom and an acceptance that life is finite. As seniors enter their golden years, many reflect on their life and the legacy they wish to leave behind. Many also realize end-of-life costs, especially funerals, can cause a burden for their loved ones. With the best interest of their family and for their own peace of mind, they turn to funeral insurance for seniors. There are five important things seniors interested in funeral insurance should ask in order to get the best quote: ...
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Life Insurance After Heart Attack | Cost and Things to Know

While there are many reasons someone could suffer a heart attack – inherited heart disease, smoking, unhealthy eating or lifestyle, high levels of stress – one thing is common: a heart attack is a terrifying experience not only for the individual who suffers it, but also for that person’s loved ones and family members. After this experience, the question becomes, “how do I get life insurance after heart attack at a fair rate?” Many people who have suffered heart attacks have a very difficult time ...
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life insurance for diabetes - rates - featured

Life Insurance for Diabetes Patients – Rates Comparison

Hearing that you have diabetes is stressful. The thought of injecting insulin and radically altering your diet can be overwhelming. On top of that, diabetes can be an expensive condition to live with as insulin prices are extremely high! This is why some diabetics often look for companies who offer cash for diabetic test strips so they can make treatment more affordable. Thankfully, the good news is that you can still have an excellent quality of life. Small changes add up to good health over ...
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INFOGRAPHIC: Term Vs. Permanent Life Insurance

Here's an infographic breaking down the differences between Term and Permanent Life Insurance.  Which one suits your needs? ...
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Sleep Apnea And Life Insurance

Sleep apnea can be described as periodic pauses in breathing during sleep these pauses can be complete apnea's or incomplete - hypopnea. A lot of people struggle with this and it can be a scary thing. Luckily though, there are things out there that can help people with this (such as CPAP masks, which can be found at masks for people who are interested in purchasing one). Body and Health, an online magazine reports, "It's one of the most common medical conditions in adults, ...
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medical marijuana and insurance - Canada - featured

Medical Marijuana and Insurance – What You Need to Know

Chances are that if you're reading this article you are either a medicinal marijuana smoker, know someone who is, or have a strong opinion either way on the topic of the fairness of life insurance and its use. Today, we'll take at how its use is viewed by the medical community and life insurance companies. A Brief History of Medical Marijuana For years, marijuana was illegal – getting caught growing and/or smoking it brought heavy legal consequences. Along the way, it was discovered that smoking ...
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Clearing Up Misconceptions On Life Insurance Distribution Channels

Customers looking to purchase a life insurance policy often wonder whether it's better to deal with an independent life insurance broker or a captive life insurance agency like Arias Agencies. During countless debates regarding the effectiveness of using an independent broker versus a captive agent, the following arguments always seem to come up... Independent Brokers Brokers are often said to offer greater flexibility to their customers when it comes to the price and brands of life insurance products because they're independent and not tied to ...
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