InsureNOW Available From BMO Insurance
BMO Insurance is offering a simplified life insurance policy named insureNOW for anyone between the ages of 18 to 49. InsureNOW features a no medical exam to qualify, immediate full coverage as soon as the policy is issued and a 30-day money back guarantee. It also offers a guaranteed rate for as long as the policy is in force. The criteria for this policy is based on age, gender and smoking status. There are two limitations that are stated on their product page for insureNOW ...
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Five Cancer Fighting Foods
What is cancer? Simply put, cancer happens when cells abnormally divide and grow in an uncontrollable manner. It's a cellular malfunction. There are several different types of cancer, each with a unique set of parameters and challenges. Few things are more terrifying than hearing, "you have cancer". As we become more and more aware of how cancer affects us, many are taking an active role in cancer prevention. Things like giving up cigarettes, improved nutrition and exercise are powerful tools in the drive for optimal ...
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The Six Most Obese Countries
Earlier this year, Discovery News named the largest countries in the world – and they weren't talking about land mass. This hefty breaking story was about the mass of the people living in those countries, and the results were heavy. As of spring 2014, more than 50 per cent of the world's obese population live in just 10 countries, the top six being: 1. The United States To the surprise of no one, the US weighs in at number one. The reasons for these gains ...
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Ebola And Other Disease Outbreaks
Ebola, a disease that was practically unheard of 40 years ago has become the most frightening disease in human history. New cases are reported daily and vaccine development is progressing at an ‘unprecedented rate'. The outbreak has been ongoing since March 2014 in the West Africa nations as reported by the World Health Organization and has rapidly progressed into a global epidemic. The first known outbreak was in 1976 in Africa along the banks of the Ebola River, infecting 284 people and killing 151. Fast-forward ...
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Top 7 Dangerous Countries in the World
When you travel to different countries, you need to understand that they all have their own political and socioeconomic factors as well as different cultures and etiquettes. On top of this, what's considered normal in one country might not have been introduced in another. For example, pornography is widely accepted in the US and Europe whereas there are a number of countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia that ban it and travelers have to use a VPN to unblock Redtube (for more information, ...
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Dining on These Foods Could Be Your Last Meal
When it comes to food, you don't discriminate. You embrace it all, and are practically drooling to try out new foods that have the potential of making your taste buds tingle! What you don't know is that from delicious delicacies to regular groceries, some of them contain toxins which could potentially end you. For example, most people enjoy chocolate, but they are unaware of how harmful it can be to consume chocolate on a regular basis. Since it delivers high doses of sugar into the ...
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11 Things You Never Realized Could Affect Your Insurance Application
You'd like to consider yourself a life insurance novice. You've done your research and know the primary factors that underwriters consider when determining your premium: your age, health, family health history, tobacco use, occupation, the policy term and amount. So when you confidently send out that application and end up receiving an unfavourable result, just what went wrong?There are so many things that your insurance company will consider when looking at your application (aside from the usual suspects), and it's good practice to be aware ...
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Lorne Marr Shares 5 Essential No Medical Life Insurance Tips
When it comes to finding life insurance that fits your needs, it is a matter of knowing where to shop around, knowing what to look for and how to navigate the world of life insurance. Let me, Lorne Marr, help you do this with little fuss and great success by sharing five essential no medical life insurance tips. How do you know I can provide you what you need? I have been in the insurance industry for over 20 years, starting my career with Met ...
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8 Reasons Why Your Insurance Claim Will Get Declined
You buy life insurance for the purpose of making sure that there's something sufficient left for your family in the case that you won't be there. After all, for the monthly premiums you pay, you deserve something out of it ...
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Top 5 Silent Killers
Photo by Bernard Goldbach You never saw it coming. You're an ordinary, happy-go-lucky soul who juggles life and work and enjoys exercising as much as the other person. You're not scared of those annual health check-ups, in fact, your doctor loves telling you you're good for another year, and you know it! So after spending an evening catching up with friends, you return home feeling happy and sated, stumble into bed, close your eyes... and never wake up again. You just died in your sleep ...
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