As with any large city, Toronto also attracts continuous media attention at both good times and bad times regarding issues ranging from taxation to public transit to infrastructure and neighbourhood revitalization projects. As eventful as the political and social life of Canada’s largest city may be at times, many Torontonians are hardly thinking about these details and events. These are the so-called hard to insure applicants, the people whom many an insurance company would do everything to reject due to past or current medical problems or shaky family medical history.
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Toronto Life Insurance – The Quick and Easy No Medical Option
Do you have a detrimental health condition, a high-risk occupation, or lifestyle activities that have lead you to be declined for life insurance when you applied in the past? Or maybe you are a senior that is having trouble getting traditional life insurance in Canada due to your age or any illness related to your age. Then a no medical life insurance policy may be what you are looking for, and you may only need to answer a few easy “yes” or “no” health questions to qualify.Due to the nature of no medical life insurance, the costs for the policies can vary wildly among various insurers, even more so than the difference in costs of disability, critical illness, or even traditional life coverage. When looking for no medical insurance in Toronto, you will be able to find different insurers that have expertise in the various types of insurance planning. You may be able to find some that have specialized expertise in insurance quotes and selling policies for people with heart disease or a history of heart attacks. Also, you may find ones that specialize for people with a diabetes pre-condition, or ones that focus on finding the best life insurance policies for seniors.
The Two Categories of No Medical Life Insurance
Simplified Issue Life Insurance- No medical exam required by a doctor, but does require some health-related questions
- Will be asked about previous hospitalizations, serious illness diagnoses, or if you have been declined life insurance previously
- Can be bought as whole life, or term policies
- Life insurance in Toronto for simplified issue policies has a limit of $150,000
- If you have been denied a policy in the last two years, you may not qualify.
- No medical exam, or health-related questions
- May be limited to a lower coverage amount
- Available to everybody, even if declined for life insurance in Canada in the last two years
- May be some payout restrictions in first two years of policy
- Companies specializing in guaranteed issue life insurance offer permanent lifetime policies with benefits as low as $5,000 to $25,000 in coverage for non-accidental death.
Advantage of a Canadian No Medical Exam Life Insurance Policy
No medical exam life insurance policy in Canada pays out tax-free. As well, for guaranteed issue, it does not matter the condition of your health when you apply, you cannot be turned down, and there are no health questions or exams when you apply. When you get life insurance in Toronto, your premiums cannot increase, and your coverage cannot decrease, and if you die accidentally before a certain age defined by the policy, your benefits will increase. The application process is simple, with no waiting period. As well, non-smokers will receive lower premiums. Your coverage amounts are guaranteed for the duration of the policy and will not be reduced for any reason.Personal Approach for Each Toronto Citizen
No Medical Life Insurance is proud to serve the people of Toronto with diligence and due attention to the unique character of life in the Canadian megapolis. We are happy to offer something new: simplified or guaranteed issue insurance that understands that each and every person has to be evaluated on their own merits and each and every person deserves the highest standards of care and attention. Among our clients are students at the University of Toronto or York University that may not get past life insurance quotes with most companies and usually cannot be persuaded to look at the issue further. They are joined by thousands of office workers, municipal workers, senior citizens, single parents and others looking for an insurance company that would provide them with personalized plans and individual service.Why is obtaining health and life insurance important to Torontonians?
We work with the best insurance brokers to educate the local public about the value of planning ahead and the need to continue search for quality insurance even after having been declined. Our specialty is helping those that have been neglected by the system before – the hard to insure applicants that fail health tests or are considered ineligible for other reasons by the mainstream insurance companies. Our no medical life insurance package strikes many people we approach in Toronto as an innovative product that meets the changing needs of the population, and we appreciate the personal connection we have been lucky to establish with thousands in the capital of Ontario, the beautiful city by the great lake.How Does Life Insurance in Toronto Help me?
Toronto is a vast metropolitan area, an internationally recognized city that is highly sought after for a place to work and live. Being such a powerhouse comes with its perks but also comes with some big disadvantages; one such disadvantage is the cost of living. Being Ontario’s capital, and the largest city in Canada, the financial burden on your family while living in Toronto is massive, and if an unfortunate event were to occur such as a premature death, you’ll want to make sure your family is cared for and covered.Can your spouse continue to pay for that $2,500 monthly mortgage, or car payments, or even basic things such a groceries and utilities or parking without your income to assist? And what happens if you have outstanding debt, or have children that will need money for post-secondary education? Without financial assistance, the consequences to your family may be dire. With life insurance in Toronto you will be able to get a policy that can provide the financial security for your beneficiary to pay off the expenses that come with a premature death.
Try an easy way to get your Insurance Quote
There are far too many people within Ontario and Toronto who are uninsured. Living in a large city is stressful enough even when you don’t have to think about life insurance, simplified issue insurance and so on and so forth. You may be trying to insure your income, your car, your home, your health, or your life, and you may find that you greatest asset is your future income-producing ability. Ensuring that you can provide for your loved ones gives you peace of mind, and if you have a family, you want to make sure you can provide for them even if you have an untimely passing. No Medical Life Insurance makes it easier for the people of Toronto to obtain all the necessary information and life insurance quotes for a fact-based decision on their insurance brokers. While there are many Canadian insurance policies, for your family’s future a life insurance policy may be the most important of them all, so be sure to contact No Medical Life Insurance to talk with an independent broker for a quote and consultation. We work with each applicant on an individual basis to guarantee top-quality service. Health insurance and life insurance are very important parts of a normal life, and we strive to make sure that no questions are left unanswered and no surprises are in stock for the future. This way, our clients can get back to enjoying life to the fullest – and there is so much to enjoy here in Toronto, isn’t there?Our insurance advisors will assist you with finding the best insurance option as we work with more than 20 insurance companies. We look forward to hearing from you – simply complete the form above.