Tag: funeral

Funeral Insurance in Canada: 5 Things You Must Know

Funeral Insurance in Canada: 5 Things You Must Know

With age comes wisdom and an acceptance that life is finite. As seniors enter their golden years, many reflect on their life and the legacy they wish to leave behind. Many also realize end-of-life costs, especially funerals, can cause a

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Final Expense Life Insurance Companies

Text on blue background that says "Is final expense life insurance right for me?"

Making sure that your family is taken care of when you pass away is very important to people. Most want to make sure that their funeral is taken care of so that the burden is not left to their family.

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Final Expense Insurance Can Help To Ease Our Goodbyes

Final expense insurance

We spend much of our lives worrying about, well, our lives. There is so much to see and do and say. There are so many people to know and love and spend our time with. We have plans to make

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Seniors Funeral Insurance

An old man

Those who buy Seniors Funeral Insurance are generally concerned with relieving their family from the burden of having to pay for their funeral and other final expenses and debts.

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Final Expense Insurance Companies Ease the Burden of Passing

Final expense negotiation

Passing away is not known as a jubilant time for anybody involved in the process – the deceased, the family, the friends, or the coworkers. Passing is always accompanied by grief, a profound sense of loss, and many arrangements to

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Guaranteed Issue Funeral Insurance

Cemetery angel with a sky on the background

Life insurance will now cover funeral expenses and a lot of funerals offer different services that may accommodate your needs – view website here to learn more. Funeral costs can vary widely in Canada, depending on which features you’re looking

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Purple Shield Insurance vs other Products | Pros, Cons, Tips

Man and woman read papers about funeral insurance

For over 100 years, Purple Shield has been offering life insurance and final expenses solutions in Canada. In this article we will provide an expert overview of Purple Shield insurance products and address the following questions: What products does Purple

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How Does Canada Purple Shield Stack Up Against Its Competitors in the Funeral Insurance Market?

Cemetery angel with a sky on the background

According to the latest data from the Toronto and District Funeral Directors Inc., the average cost of a funeral is $4,500 and many Canadians are using life insurance to help offset these costs. Canada Purple Shield plans, which are underwritten

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Life Insurance and Funeral Costs

A flower on a coffin

Looking for a way to cover final expenses? Funeral insurance maybe the answer. Proceeds are paid out tax free in a lump sum. The Industrial Alliance website breaks down the cost of Funeral Expenses and related expenses. It reveals that

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